Event Information
組別 Session
Morning session
導師 Tutor:
Professional Yoga Instructor
費用 Fee:
報名費 Registration Fee
最低捐款額 Basic donation amount
組別 Session
Star Session
導師 Tutor:
倪晨曦 Elva Ni
林德信 Alex Lam
費用 Fee:
報名費 Registration Fee
最低捐款額 Basic donation amount
組別 Session
Afternoon session
導師 Tutor:
Professional Yoga Instructor
費用 Fee:
報名費 Registration Fee
最低捐款額 Basic donation amount
Gifts Sponsors

- 限量版Beauty Mirror 及紀念鎖扣
- Gourami 粉紅色髮圈、索繩布袋及$100專門店現金券
- Trinity身體檢查及醫學美容項目$300現金券
- KORRSE抗氧修復3件體驗裝
- 位元堂純野生雲芝24粒試食裝
- gülsha 晨露純玫瑰活肌水 50ml
- giordano ladies $100現金券
- Mug Mug蜜蜜工房$100現金券
- Comvita 膠原蛋白肽麥蘆卡蜂蜜飲品50ml試飲裝
- Casablanca枕頭保護套
- NONIO齒周全效無口氣漱口水 (無添加酒精 舒爽薄荷味) 1000毫升及適齒美急救牙肉萎縮牙刷 ( 超軟毛 纖細刷頭)
- Kotex高潔絲Goodnight Soft 安心熟睡褲試用裝 及Comfort Soft 極緻綿柔 Air Thin 試用裝 (24cm)
- 報到處於活動開始前30分鐘開放報到,請參加者預留足夠時間。
- 活動開始前15分會安排進場,活動開始後參加者均不得進入場地。
- 每節瑜伽時間為1小時,並以廣東話教授。
- 參加者需穿著合適運動服,主辦單位將提供活動瑜伽墊予每個參加單位。
- 由於活動於戶外進行,參加者宜自備防曬用品、防蚊用品及飲料。
- 由於場地空間有限,為顧及安全,請避免攜帶寵物。本活動不提供行李寄存區。請自行保管貴重物品,主辦單位對於場地内任何損失或損壞不負責任。
- 捐款HK$100或以上可獲發免稅收據,請於報名時提供有關資料。
- 截止報名日期:2024年12月31日
- 參加者需年滿12歲及不超於70歲,孕婦不適合參加。
- 18歲以下參加者必須於截止報名日期前遞交由陪同之家長/監護人填寫及簽署的同意書,否則將被視作退出活動,已繳交的報名費及捐款均不設退還及轉讓。
- 如遇惡劣天氣或天文台於活動當日早上6:00仍發出黃、紅、黑雨警告,三號或以上颱風訊號,戶外瑜伽環節將會取消。已繳交的報名費和捐款,將作捐款論及不會獲退還。請留意本網頁及主辦單位Facebook專頁: https://www.facebook.com/asiabreastregistry/的最新公布。
- 參加者必須確保其身體狀況適宜參加比賽。如有疑問,請先諮詢醫生的意見 。在活動進行期間,如有不適,參加者應立即停止活動並與附近的工作人員求助。
- 主辦單位將為是次活動購買第三者責任保險 ,參加者可按需要自行購買個人意外保險。
- 所有參加者於報名前請詳細閱讀是次活動相關條款及活動細則。
- 主辦單位保留詮釋及更改網頁内所有資料的權利。
Event Details
- Registration will open at the event location 30 minutes in advance before the activity starts.Please allow sufficient time for registration.
- Admission will be arranged 15 minutes before activity start. Late arrivals will not be entertained.
- Each yoga session around 1 hour , which will be conducted in Cantonese.
- Participants should wear suitable sportswear for joining the programme. A yoga mat will be provided for each participant by the organizer.
- The workshop will be held outdoors. Participants are suggested to bring their own sun care products, anti-mosquito products and beverages.
- Due to the limited space, please avoid bringing pets for safety reasons.
- No storage facilities are provided.Please do not bring bulky items or luggage.
- There is no baggage storage area provided at the event. Please take care of your valuables, as the organizer is not responsible for any loss or damage within the venue.
- Donations of HK$100 or above are eligible for a tax-deductible receipt; please provide the necessary information upon registration.
- Registration Deadline: December 31, 2024
Important information
- Participants are recommended to be aged 12 or above and not exceeding the age of 70 and not recommended for any person who is pregnant.
- Eligible participants (under the age of 18) must have their accompanying parent/guardian to complete and sign a consent form before the registration deadline. Otherwise, it will result in withdrawal from the event, and the registration fee and donations will not be refunded or transferred.
- If there is adverse weather or Amber/Red/Black Rainstorm Signal, Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above being hoisted and not lowered at 6:00am on the event date, the event will be cancelled. The enrollment fee and sponsorship will be treated as a donation and not be refunded. Please check this website and Facebook Page of the Organizer: https://www.facebook.com/asiabreastregistry/ for the latest update.
- Participants must ensure that their physical condition is suitable for the race. If in doubt, please consult a doctor. In case you are feeling unwell during the workshop, you should immediately stop the activity and seek assistance from our staff nearby.
- The organizer will purchase third-party liability insurance for this event and participants may purchase insurance on their own as necessary.
- All participants are advised to thoroughly read the event terms and conditions before registration.
- The organizer reserves the right to interpret and modify all information on this website.