粉紅瑜伽 2025
在維港天際線下和高樓大廈之間深呼吸,伸展並調整身心。Pink Yoga 邀請您在城市與自然中尋求身心靈的連結,做戶外瑜伽同時為遺傳性癌症患者提供支持。
由香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫(簡稱「資料庫」)主辦,Pink Yoga 致力於提高社會對遺傳性乳癌患者及其家屬的關注和支持。活動將以一天的戶外瑜伽活動作為開幕,接著將舉辦為期一週的展覽和慈善義賣,繼續為遺傳性乳癌患者及其家屬提供支持。
Breathe, stretch, and align under Hong Kong’s iconic skyline, with towering skyscrapers and the serene Victoria Harbour, as your backdrop. Pink Yoga invites you to foster a harmonious connection between body, mind, spirit, and nature, join our outdoor yoga event while supporting hereditary cancer patients.
Organized by the Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry (“THE REGISTRY”), Pink Yoga is dedicated to raising awareness and support for hereditary breast cancer patients and their families. This heartfelt initiative opens with an inspiring, one-day outdoor yoga session. Following the yoga event, join us for one week exhibition and charity sale to continue supporting and uplifting those affected by hereditary breast cancer.
Outdoor Yoga
2025年 1月 12日 (星期日)
Sunday, January 12, 2025
11:00 / 13:00 / 15:00
Salisbury Garden, Avenue of Stars
活動嘉賓 Event Guests:

「關 ‧ 乳 ‧ 愛」2025 展覽
BRCA (BReast Cancer Awareness) exhibition 2025
年度教育活動「關 ‧ 乳 ‧ 愛」展覽將於2025年1月12 日至18日於尖沙咀K11 Musea的Gold Ball內舉行。
BRCA (BReast Cancer Awareness) exhibition will be held at January 12-18, 2025 at Gold Ball, K11 Musea
香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫(下稱「資料庫」)成立於2007年,乃首間及目前本港唯一致力研究BRCA基因突變及幫助因基因突變而患遺傳性癌症 (包括乳癌、卵巢癌及前列腺癌) 的高危家庭進行基因測試、 輔導及臨床醫護服務的慈善機構。
Established in 2007, Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry is the only and first-ever charitable organization dedicated to help the high-risk families who have hereditary risk of breast, ovarian and prostate cancer due to BRCA and other gene mutations by providing genetic testing, counseling, and clinical healthcare services.